Monday 10 August 2015

Charing Cross Collectors Market

Charing Cross Collectors Market, London, UK
Every Saturday
8am - 4pm

I came across the Charing Cross Collectors Market while planning for my holiday in London. The market opens on every Saturdays and sells stamps, coins, banknotes and postcards. Strangely, this market could not be located on google map. It does not have an address either (or maybe cause I could not find it)! 

Well, it seemed natural to assume that the Charing Cross Collectors Market is near to the Charing Cross Underground (London Metro or Subway). But it is not! So where is it? 

I somehow managed to trace its existence after connecting several dots through a series of internet searches. The location is marked on the map above.

And finally, after some walking and searching, here it is!

The market is located at a tight corner and is easy to miss if you are not actively looking out for it. 

and as we enter the gates...

Wow, a market in an underground carpark! The whole place is bustling with excited collectors and sellers. Most of them are aged folks who seemed to have a wealth of knowledge on stamp history and value.. 

Got some stamp loot at good prices too. Will write a commentary on them at a later date. 

Spent more than an hour scouring through this underground market. I found that most of the stamps sold are well-kept and good quality. 

Highly Recommended to visit! 

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